• AIRA Review

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    Date of visit
    The girl you enjoyed your play with
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    Please post your personal comments and reviews of actually visiting the shops so as to help others when choosing their shops.
    Both comments of satisfaction and dissatisfaction are welcome.
    But please be sure to show respect and concern for the shop and other users when posting.
    Please note beforehand that the following kinds of content will not be posted.

    Please post your personal comments and reviews of actually visiting the shops so as to help others when choosing their shops.
    Both comments of satisfaction and dissatisfaction are welcome.
    But please be sure to show respect and concern for the shop and other users when posting.
    Please note beforehand that the following kinds of content will not be posted.

    ●Content that is lacking in details or illegible
    ・For example, only one sentence like "This shop was super"
    ・Heavy use of ASCII art, abbreviations and jargon

    ●Those who haven't actually visited the shop themselves
    ・For example, "My friend told me it must be a good shop"
    ・For example, "I left the shop because I didn't like their attitude"

    ●Arbitrary assumptions which are difficult to confirm as facts
    ・For example, "I get sick every time I use this shop"
    ・"The girls aren't well trained and educated at all"   
    ・"I heard that you get a discount if you become acquainted with the staff"
    ●Making accusations towards a shop or girl
    ・Anything about violations of the law or agreements
    ・Anything about troubles when visiting the shop or any personal complaints

    ●Slandering a shop or girl
    ・For example, "The staff of this shop are stupid!"
    ・"The girl was terribly fat and ugly!"
    ・"Who the hell do you think you are?"

    ●Subjective but arbitrary and inappropriate expressions
    ・For example, "This kind of shop should go out of business!"
    ・"It was simply a waste of time. Give me back my money!"
    ・"Frankly this shop is a total scam!"
    ・"It simply isn't worth playing with this girl!"

    ●Accusations against other users and customers
    ・For example, "How could some people rank this shop with 5 stars!" ・"I couldn't stand the noisy customers in the waiting room."

    ●Any violations of copyrights, image rights and privacy
    ・Duplication or modification of posts of yourself, others or other websites
    ・Quoting or reprinting from books, magazines, websites and so on
    ・Any mention which could identify a specific individual

    ●Multiple posts for a single visit
    ・Posts on the same day, same shop and same girl
    *There is nothing wrong to post about the same shop and same girl on a different date.

    Our website reviews are only for individuals to post their comments about the shops they've visited, so posts by personnel of those shops are strictly prohibited.
    If our administrators find any such posts, we may delete them.
    Also, please note in advance that whatever we may have posted as examples may be revised or deleted upon decisions made by our administrators.
    We humbly request our users and shop personnel to strictly comply with the points given above in order to administer a fair and sound website.